Instead of giving into the moodiness and attitude, take them to our martial arts school instead! Does Your Teenager Need Help Becoming Their Best Selves?
Teenagers are smart and capable – but they can also be their own worst enemies. Between peer pressure, their innate urge to rebel against their parents, and their surging hormones, they can be impossible to be around. But all they need is an outlet for their frustrations – and an opportunity to learn how to be their best.
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JUNIORS (Ages 13+)
Our junior programme is possibly our most extensive. Offering a place where they can develop judo and self defence skills, physical strength, coordination, fitness and friendship groups. We aim to give teenagers the skills needed to develop into successful adults and the belief to achieve.
1. Competition Squad: which takes children all over the world to compete and train.
2. Junior Leadership Academy (JLA): which trains children over a 6-month period on coaching, communicating and business.

They make hasty, poorly-considered decisions and need to have better judgment.

They’re being bullied at school – or they’re the one doing the bullying. They don’t get enough exercise or need to lose weight.

They have low self-esteem and seem to be down all the time. They give up when things get difficult and fail to meet their goals.

It can test your sanity even at the best of times. Yet, you want the best for your teenager. You want them to have the tools they need to succeed now and later in life – and you’d like that to happen without having to pull out all your hair in the process. Getting them to do anything you want them to do can feel utterly impossible, and you’re not sure where to start.
Studying martial arts helps kids learn how to overcome their problems and learn important lessons – the kind of lessons that will follow them to your home, to the classroom, and for the rest of their lives.
Fighting Fitness offers additional classes to elevate your teens. Students develop and learn to nurture their leadership skills, as well as how to overcome setbacks and disappointment. Our Competition Squad and Junior Leadership classes emphasize core values like discipline, respect, self-confidence, and persistence.

Our competition squad is a mixture of children starting their competitive journey,
all the way through to British Champions and International competitors.
As a club we identify competitions and additional training events of a suitable
level to give our children opportunities to test their skills and develop into better judo players.
Squad players train a minimum of twice a week which includes one competition squad class and a regular FFJ class. If you think your child would benefit
from being a member of our competition squad please contact the office
to find out more information.

The children of today are going to be the leaders of the future and at Fighting Fitness Judo, we want to make sure they are ready!
Workbooks are provided to support and document the learning over this period and will evidence their journey to become a qualified JLA member. Children will be able to use this as supporting evidence for the Duke of Edinburgh award and CV for college and university applications.
*The JLA programme is FREE to all Fighting Fitness Judo members and we take new applications twice a year. Find out more.

Teens sometimes seem to be all attitude and no respect – in fact, it can seem like they go out of the way to respect all authority figures.
In our martial arts school, respect is a core discipline. Students must treat their instructor and fellow students with respect at all times.
Ultimately, teens who study martial arts learn that when they respect themselves, others will respect them, too.

Whether they’re in a martial arts class or in a competition, the difference between a good performance and a poor one often comes down to judgment.
Students learn how to make judgments on the fly using the information they have on hand in conjunction with their training.
They also learn how to differentiate between good instincts and bad ones – and to use that information to make judgments.

It might seem like your teenager would happily spend all day sitting on the couch playing video games or posting on social media.
The electronics epidemic might be a good thing in many ways, but teenagers still need physical activity to stay fit and healthy.
Martial arts classes provide teens with challenging workouts in a fun, social setting that rivals any video game.

Teens sometimes seem not to care about setting goals either in the short-term or the long-term.
The study of martial arts requires them to pursue goals on a regular basis. Each skill they learn, and each belt they earn, represents a goal that they have achieved.
Goal-setting in this way provides teens with the tools they need to set achievable goals in school, at home, and in life.
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Yes. Respect is a core value in our martial arts school, and all students learn to respect their instructors, fellow students, and their parents.
Teens who study martial arts learn to carry themselves with strength and confidence, and that makes them less likely to be targeted by bullies. They also learn how to defend themselves if necessary.
Yes. Martial arts classes require teens to learn and then apply lessons to decisions in real time in our martial arts school. That’s a skill that they will carry with them everywhere they go.
They might – but martial arts classes are fun and social, and kids also see them as cool. We’re used to a little resistance, but we also know how to get teens interested in what we teach, and keep them interested.
We teach teenagers the value of respect, discipline, and judgment, and they learn that knee-jerk decisions are often not the right ones.
Teens who want to excel in martial arts must make a commitment to continued study. We can’t guarantee that your teen will stick to it, but we can tell you that our instructors encourage persistence and teach teens that they can’t achieve their goals if they give up.
More Benefits

Bad attitudes are not tolerated in our martial arts school, and kids learn that respect is a requirement in life.

Teens learn that carelessness can be costly.

Martial arts classes helps teens build strength and tone their muscles.

Teens on our Competition Squad improve their focus, reach goals, and develop team spirit.

Competing teens understand the importance of winning and losing and learn how to turn losses into motivation.

Through competition, teens learn how to overcome setbacks and disappointment.

JLA participants gain self respect and confidence in their abilities.

Junior Leaders effectively communicate with their peers and adults. They are able to present and lead techniques, warm-ups, and skills in front of a class
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